And where to next?

This page shows where I’ve managed to travel to over the years. That leaves alot of places that I still want to visit in the future.

This is my current bucket list:

    1. United Kingdom, again, specifically Scotland
    2. Antarctica, well fly over it
    3. China, Shanghai and Xian
    4. Malaysia – the food scene in Penang
    5. Cuba just fascinates me
    6. Egypt, want to see the pyramids
    7. Vatican, just for the pure historic value
    8. Ireland, hmmmm Guinness
    9. North Korea, something really different that not many people can say they’ve done
    10. Switzerland
    11. US, gotta see New York and probably San Francisco again
    12. France, explore some more of southern France – Marseille & Carcassonne and some more time in Montpellier & Bordeaux, and northern France around Lille and the war graves at Armentières where my grand uncle is buried
    13. The Netherlands, spend some time outside of Amsterdam exploring the smaller cities potentially Rotterdam, Leiden, Gouda and Utrecht
    14. More of Europe including Luxembourg, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Malta, Czech Republic, Hungary & Turkey
    15. Scandinavia – Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark
    16. Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
    17. Japan, I could spend all of my holidays in Japan. It’s one of the most fascinating places to visit and the food and drinks are superb as well

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