Beer Komachi, Kyoto, Japan

This was my third visit to Beer Komachi and it never disappoints. My last visit was just over a year ago.

Beer Komachi, Kyoto, Japan

I walked in soon after they opened on a Sunday afternoon and there were already a good number of people drinking and eating. I sat at the wobbly table at the front and went though the beer list.

My first beer was a Special SAKE Ale (kari) from Mimasaka Beer Works which was a floral and citrusy strong brew – I liked it.

Next I had a Kamikatz Cosmic Surfin’ which was a fuity beer that I thought was a better beer than the first.

And lastly I drank a Shonan Fresh Hop IPA which is a Belgian IPA quite hoppy but I thought that this beer was a bit flat and I didn’t enjoy it as much as the first two.

I didn’t eat here on this trip as I wanted to try some new places.

Probably the best craft beer bar I visited in Japan.