Chibo, Kanazawa, Japan

After the Beef and Egg rice at Shiroyamatei I did a quick explore of Kanazawa Castle and the gardens then headed off towards Omi-cho Market to have a look before it wound down for the day.

From Omi-chi Market I headed towards Kanazawa Station and my hotel looking for a snack. I made it all the way back to the station without finding much (it was after lunch hours) so decided to head into the Kanazawa Forus shopping complex. In Japan all shopping complexes have a floor or 2 of restaurants – it’s normally either the basement or somewhere near the top – in this case it was the 6th floor.

Chibo, Kanazawa, Japan

I did a quick scout around and settled on an Osaka-style Omonomiyaki restaurant called Chibo. I later found out that this is a chain of restaurants all around Japan.

I ordered a pork okonomiyaka – I had the option of having it cooked at my table or in the kitchen – I chose the kitchen.

Okonomiyaki takes time to make, so I was able polish off a pint of beer while I waited for the 15 minutes or so until my meal was delivered.

First impression was that the serving was on the small size but given that I’d already had the Beef and Egg rice meal about 3 hours earlier the size was just about right.

Taste-wise the okonomiyaka was good, not as good as what I got from Nagata-ya in Hiroshima, but very tasty nonetheless.

In all, a decent meal for the price.