Daily Beer Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea

On the Friday I decided to take a tour of the DMZ, about 50 kilometers northwestish from Seoul. While we couldn’t get into the Joint Security Area we were able to see over into North Korea despite the air quality being very poor.

The tour had us returning to central Seoul around 4:45pm and having only water and a small snack during the day I was keen to find somewhere for a beer and food.

Opening up maps on my phone pointed me towards one of the Daily Beer locations near Jong-Gag station.

Daily Beer, 80 Sambong-ro, Cheongjin-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea

Arriving just after 5 o’clock I was the only patron, and would remain so for the couple of hours I was there for.

The beer menu is pretty good with wheat beers and stouts on offer amongst the usual suspects.

The food menu was also interesting, and having not eaten much during the day, was of prime importance.

I choose 2 giant deep fried prawns and they were scrumptious, along with some deep fried cheese balls. Definitely not good for my arteries, but superb for my stomach.

Maybe this particular branch of Daily Beer gets busier later on, but I felt rather lonely! A different branch of Daily Beer a couple of days later was much more lively.

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